How One Utah High-End Home Builder Increased Efficiency + Reduced Stress

Case Study

In 1999, Craig Mogel founded Germania Construction in Park City, Utah. Since then, his company has grown tremendously. Germania Construction builds beautiful, high-end homes ranging from 7,000 to 12,000 square feet.

In late 2019, Craig Mogel turned to CoConstruct in hopes that the software would help him work more efficiently, manage his team better, and reduce stress.

Keeping Track of Estimate & Empowering Staff

In the beginning, Mogel was a one man show.

“When I started, I was a pickup truck guy and I had a home office. Everything I did was on yellow notepads and I took an Excel class and started to learn how to use Excel spreadsheets.”

Once Mogel’s business started to grow, he had to adapt quickly. He explained, “The yellow notebook pad turned into spreadsheets, and as I grew, those spreadsheets got more detailed. I was looking for a solution to become more efficient and make less mistakes.”

“Stops and starts.”

That’s how Mogel described his company’s initial implementation of CoConstruct when he first purchased the software. “People get used to doing things a certain way,” he said. His team needed a way to learn the full capabilities of the software. Then, Mogel and his team decided to go all in. They attended CoCamp in Charlottesville and brought multiple members of their staff. With CoConstruct, Mogel has enjoyed seeing his staff reach their full potential. When cumbersome tasks are completed efficiently, he sees happy customers, and happy employees.

More Efficiency + More Money Across the Board

“Less phone calls, less questions, less pushback,” Mogel described his new reality. He used to conduct client presentations through a 300-page pdf book. This process would take hundreds of hours. Now, presentations look a lot different.

“We just presented a job in CoConstruct for a high-end client and knocked it out of the park. Seamless. Easy. Everything is in the system.” Mogel saves a lot of time doing presentations through the software. He also makes more money with CoConstruct’s seamless change order process.

He told us a story from CoCamp to demonstrate his use of the software’s change order feature. “I was sitting in the class, paying attention and working on some stuff on my computer. I was seeing approved change orders coming across. It was probably $500k in change orders. They got approved in a matter of 20 minutes.” Mogel loves using CoConstruct for change orders because the software allows him and his staff to move quickly along with busy project schedules.

We have loved working with Germania Construction. Their dedication and care is evident in the homes they build and in how they conduct business with their clients. We look forward to seeing the continued success of Craig and his team in Park City, Utah.

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Germania Construction
Germania Construction
Craig Mogel
Park City, UT

Company Stats
  • High-end Custom Homes
  • Team of 12
  • Favorite tool in CoConstruct is Change Orders