How can I filter my to-dos by assignee?

How can I filter my to-dos by assignee?

Amber Harlow

Use Filter on the to-dos page to drill down within your to-do list to view the items assigned to specific users.

This will adjust your list of to-dos to show only the items that are assigned to the particular team member, sub, or vendor that you select.

If you have a filter applied, you'll see the selected assignee listed at the top of your to-dos.

To clear the filter, just click the Filter button again.


Print out your to-dos for a specific assignee

Once you've filtered your to-dos, the printer-friendly option is a great way to produce a clean and sleek printout for your assignees.


More advanced filtering and sorting in the Task Manager

If you want to do more advanced filtering, searching, or sorting of your to-dos, including filtering to-do items across ALL of your projects, head to the Task Manager.

In the task manager, you can filter your entire company's upcoming or overdue work by project, assignee, project group, and more.

Click for more info on filtering in the Task Manager.